Code of Conduct and Professional Expectations
Last Updated 2025-03-17
This Code of Conduct is designed to help us establish our values, in the community and in the workplace. It reflects our commitment to the highest standards of ethical and legal behavior. We expect all team members, participants, sponsors, vendors and Nobellum members to act in accordance with these standards:
The broad principles set out in the terms and conditions are intended to guide all individuals engaged with Nobellum, including members, sponsors, vendors, employees, subcontractors and all participants of Nobellum’s various programs and initiatives in actions and decisions, and to provide a tool to enhance understanding of the wide policies and standards that govern the work done here at Nobellum.
This policy outlines the behaviors expected of all participants, sponsors, partners, volunteers, members, and staff regardless of position or rank, and also defines behavioral standards and infractions in accordance with internal, Nobellum and/or provincial procedures, policies and legislation. This Policy summarizes and provides links to the many pieces of legislation and policy governing participants but not limited to:
Privacy Policy
Terms and Conditions
In the case for this document, when executive director is mentioned it should be known this is in reference to the acting CEO of Nobellum Entreprise.
Queries related to Nobellum's code of conduct should be directed to the
1. Application of the Code
The Code applies to all employees, contractors, members, participants and attendees of any Nobellum events including any and all events in the Nobellum Innovator Program Series, Women In STEM & Entrepreneurship & CEI Global initiatives as well as other adjacent programs and intiatives under the Nobellum portfolio. Contractors include any consultants, suppliers and vendors who are required to have access to Nobellum’s confidential, business and proprietary information in order to perform their duties.
2. Compliance
Compliance with the Code is mandatory. You are expected to be familiar and comply with the Code in the attendance and performance of your duties. As well, you are expected to understand your obligations under Nobellum’s general policies. Those who fail to abide by the Code and general policies will be subject to the procedure in place and given notice.
2.1 Compliance with Law.
We comply with all applicable laws, including those governing nonprofit organizations, workplace behavior, and international operations. As we expand beyond Canada, we remain committed to adhering to the legal and regulatory requirements of each country where we operate.
We operate for public benefit while balancing private interests. However, we are subject to strict regulations regarding conflicts of interest, financial transparency, and political activities. Compliance with these laws is essential to maintaining our integrity and mission.
3. Privacy and Confidentiality.
We have access to sensitive and proprietary information about our clients, donors, grantees, partners, volunteers, employees, business strategies, and technical matters. We are committed to protecting this information and do not disclose, share, or use it for personal gain or any unauthorized purpose. Access is strictly limited to what is necessary for our work. We comply with all applicable privacy laws and take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, or misuse. This obligation extends beyond our time with Nobellum, and any suspected breaches must be reported immediately.
4. Business Conduct
4.1 Public Disclosure
The objectives of Nobellum’s disclosure policy is to ensure communications with the public are:
Timely, factual, accurate, balanced; and
Broadly disseminated in accordance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements
4.2 Disclosure to the Media
The purpose of Nobellum’s media policy is to ensure Employees and anyone representing Nobellum understands and comply with our disclosure requirements in terms of media interaction and public presentations.
If you are delegated to speak on behalf of Nobellum, a media briefing is mandatory before any interview or public statement. This briefing will cover what information is public and what must remain confidential.
Anyone providing personal opinions to the media on external matters must clarify that their views are their own and do not represent Nobellum. Always exercise caution to avoid compromising the organization’s reputation or interests.
4.3 Conduct when representing Nobellum
Conduct yourself professional and with personal integrity, both in and out of the workplace, reflective of Nobellum values. Communicate and negotiate with honesty with all Employees, partners, stakeholders, suppliers, vendors, associates and other members of the public. Our obligation to act with integrity and within the spirit of this Code continues while traveling, whether domestically or abroad.
4.4 Legal and Social Responsibility
Ensure that your actions comply with and are within the meaning and intent of all applicable laws and regulations. Ensure that your actions are free from suspicion and criticism and have no unfavorable effects on society.
5. Working Respectfully and Collaboratively
5.1 General respect and productive work environment
Nobellum maintains a productive and diverse work environment intended to foster teamwork, ongoing learning, and creativity. We appreciate the contributions of all. We work cooperatively and respectfully, acting with courtesy and tact in all our interactions with clients, grantees, partners, donors, volunteers, members of the public, and colleagues.
Any behavior that is defamatory to our organization, degrades the perception of Nobellum in the community, and adversely affects the wellbeing of other program participants will not be tolerated.
Harassment includes but is not limited to:
Verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination
Comments that are lewd, lascivious, demeaning, or derogatory
Unwelcome discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity
Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following
Harassing photography or recording (audio or video)
Sustained disruption of talks or other events
Inappropriate physical contact
Unwelcome sexual attention, including any specific activity for which consent was not requested and given
Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior
Threatening legal action without proper dispute resolution practices; examples of proper dispute resolution practices include lack of notice for legal action, participation in good faith communication exchanges to resolve the dispute.
These types of actions violate our code of conduct and community standards for providing a safe learning environment free of harassment.
Modified Version:
5.2 Nobellum Programs & Initiatives - Respect and Productive Work Environment
As participants, sponsors, partners, volunteers, and staff of Nobellum’s initiatives—including the Nobellum Innovator Program, CEI Global, and WISE—there is a professional responsibility and requirement to adhere to the following code of conduct. Organizers will enforce this code before, during, and after events, and we expect cooperation from all participants to maintain a safe and respectful environment for everyone.
Our programs are committed to providing a harassment-free experience for all, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion.
We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form, including via social media or other online platforms. Additionally, we do not tolerate behavior that vilifies, defames, degrades, or humiliates Nobellum or disrupts a productive and supportive environment for participants. Violations of this code will result in sanctions or expulsion from our events and programs at the discretion of the organizers.
6. Procedure on Revoking Prizes and Awards
6.1 Governing Body of True Blue Accelerator Fund
A portion of the award prizes distributed to participants of our pitch events are housed in the Nobellum True Blue Accelerator Fund and will be distributed by The BRIDGE/ Department of Management. The fund will be governed by the Nobellum True Blue Accelerator Fund Advisory Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Advisory Committee'') composed of stakeholders from Nobellum Enterprise and the University of Toronto including representatives from the Hub, The BRIDGE and the Black Founders Network.
All decisions pertaining to the use and distribution of the Fund will be agreed upon by all members of the Advisory Committee and will be in accordance with all applicable policies set out by the University of Toronto and Nobellum Enterprise. All decisions pertaining to the award fund should not be made by one affiliation, they should be made collectively led by the Chair of the committee.
6.2 Identification/ Reporting
If Nobellum has any reason to believe that any recipient for a prize or award provided by Nobellum should be revoked in accordance with this Code of Conduct, may request the board to consider revocation by contacting the executive Director/CEO by email as well as our Program Manager by email at Documentation to support the request should be provided when possible.
Any Nobellum staff member, board member, or advisory committee member who receives such a request or has personal knowledge of conduct by a prize winner that could be grounds for revocation must report the request to the executive director/CEO, unless such disclosure would violate any laws.
6.3 Review of Prize Revocation Request
Upon receiving a request to revoke an award from the executive director/CEO, the Chair of the Advisory Committee will review the request with the Advisory Committee, and the governing body will make a determination as to whether to formally consider revoking the award. If so, the Chair will place the request on the agenda of an upcoming advisory committee meeting. If, in the Chair’s sole judgment, the next regularly scheduled advisory committee meeting is too soon after receipt of the request to sufficiently prepare for the advisory committee's consideration, consideration of the request may be resolved with the cofounders.
The Chair will provide the advisory committee with appropriate materials to consider the request. Since Nobellum is not an investigative body, the executive director/CEO will not investigate the conduct, and will only collect the reasonably available information (e.g., public records, social media, personal accounts from the targets of the criminal or unethical conduct) that is related to the revocation request.
6.4 Recipient provided with notice
Where the executive director/CEO and advisory committee of the board has received a request in writing to consider the revocation of an award, the executive director/CEO shall send a letter (notice letter), by email, to the award recipient, advising them that the revocation of their award is under consideration by the advisory committee, and setting out the allegations of fact that constitute the basis for which the revocation of the award is being considered.
The notice letter shall also advise the recipient that within the time stipulated in the letter or within the time otherwise subsequently permitted by the advisory board:
They may renounce the award by advising the advisory committee and executive director/CEO in writing. If the recipient renounces the award, the advisory committee will not consider the request to revoke the award any further;
They may make representations in writing respecting the allegations of fact in the notice letter of the revocation of the award; and
If they do not proceed with either a) or b) above, after expiration of the stipulated time, the advisory committee will continue with its consideration of request to revoke the award.
The advisory committee shall receive all relevant documents, including any representations reviewed from the award recipient for its consideration. The advisory committee shall consider the issue of revocation of the award and shall advise the executive director in writing of its findings and recommendations and determine, in its sole discretion, whether to revoke the award.
After the board has made its decision, the chair shall notify the award recipient in email on the decision.
If the decision is to revoke the award, the recipient's name will be removed as an award recipient from all records maintained by Nobellum.
6.5 Joint prizes with other organizations
In cases of prizes awarded jointly with other organizations, if a revocation request is received, the executive director/CEO will consult with the leadership of the sponsoring organization(s) to determine an appropriate course of action.
6.6 Communication of a decision to revoke a prize
Communication of a decision to revoke a prize will be handled on a case-by-case basis by email with a letter of confirmation. At a minimum, the prize winner's name will be removed from Nobellum’s website and social media. The decision to revoke will be recorded in the minutes of the relevant board meeting(s), and documentation of the decision to revoke will be placed in the appropriate prize file.
7. Dress code
The Nobellum dress code is applicable for all Nobellum related events, and required for all participants, sponsors and attendees to abide by for the duration of an event. This policy is to provide all in attendance to dress in a way that adheres to a business casual structure. We at Nobellum recognize that everyone has different interpretations of business casual and urge all in attendance to refer to this link for a clear guideline for expectations for the Nobellum Innovator Program.
Personal appearance is a reflection of Nobellum and it is important for all in attendance to dress appropriately based on the activity at the Nobellum Innovator Program. For example, attire worn during the pitch competition should remain business casual, attire worn during networking and meetings with other attendees should also remain business casual.
7.1 The following are examples of appropriate business attire:
Jeans, khakis, dress pants
Blouses, sweaters
Collared shirts
Dresses, skirts
Blazers and sport coats
Dress shoes, loafers, flats, dress boots, casual/athletic shoes
Dress sandals for women
7.2 Inappropriate Work Attire
The following are examples of inappropriate work attire:
Revealing, tight fitting or transparent clothing, including tops and dresses with spaghetti straps
Tank tops, crop tops, off-the-shoulder and cold-shoulder shirts
Clothing associated with physical activity including sweatpants, sweatshirts, and shorts of any kind
Cargo pants, overalls, spandex or any other unprofessional-looking pants
Excessively short skirts or dresses, beach attire, sundresses
Clothing with offensive language and/or graphics
Torn, dirty, frayed, ripped or cut-off clothing of any kind
Dirty/torn athletic shoes, work boots, flip-flop sandals, beach shoes, or other unprofessional-looking footwear.
7.3 Disclaimer
The decision to dress in business or casual attire is based on a variety of factors. In all cases, employees are expected to use their best discretion and if there is any doubt, guidance should be obtained from their people manager.
Those who wish to partake in any of Nobellum’s programs and activities must dress in appropriate attire. Business casual and professional attire are welcomed. The organizers of the Nobellum’s programs and intiativesreserve the right to remove participants that are not dressed appropriately and according to this code.
We encourage participants to refer to the Ontario Human Rights Commission policy below and to contact with further inquiries.
8. Investigations and Consequences of Violation of the Code
Nobellum will review and respond to all reports. Where appropriate, reports will be referred to our legal counsel and an investigation will be conducted under its direction to ensure an independent process. Disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of an employee or participant or termination of our agreement with a client, vendor, partner or third party, as well as possible civil or criminal prosecution, will be taken should any of the following occur:
Violation of the Code or a Nobellum policy, or asking others to violate the Code or policy;
Committing an illegal or fraudulent act;
Committing an act of workplace violence, or threat of violence, or demonstrating threatening, harassing or discriminatory behavior towards others in the workplace;
Deliberately failing to promptly report a violation or withholding relevant information regarding a violation;
Failing to cooperate in the investigation of a known or suspected violation; or
Taking retaliatory action against someone who has reported a violation or breach of the Code or a policy.
9. Enforcement and Updates
All participants, employees, members, and affiliates of Nobellum are expected to familiarize themselves with and comply with this Code of Conduct. Nobellum reserves the right to modify this policy as needed to align with organizational growth, international expansion, and evolving legal requirements.
The Code of Conduct and Professionalism - Expectations
Participants in the Nobellum Accelerator Programs, which include the Innovator Program, WISE: Women in STEM & Entrepreneurship, and CIE Global Exchange, are required to adhere to professional responsibilities and engagement expectations. These expectations ensure full participation and successful completion of the program.
Pre-Nobellum’s Accelerator Programming:
Before the official start of their respective program, all participants must complete the required application process, which includes:
All applicants must participate in a live pitch interview with the jury team as part of the selection process. This interview serves as an opportunity for applicants to present their business idea, demonstrate their preparedness, and align their goals with the objectives of the program.
Participants are required to have a functioning website that reflects their business or idea. A complete pitch deck must be submitted as part of the pre-program requirements. These materials will be reviewed prior to acceptance into the program to ensure participants are adequately prepared.
During Nobellum’s Accelerator Programming:
Participants must adhere to the engagement and participation requirements to remain in good standing and successfully complete the program.
All participants are required to attend at least ninety percent of workshops. Each program has specific mandatory events. The Innovator Program and CIE Global Exchange participants must attend Demo Day, while WISE Program participants must be present for the Toronto Week, which includes a series of pitch events and networking opportunities. Full participation in all scheduled sessions is expected.
A minimum of one (1) team member must be physically present at required workshops, pitch events, and key program milestones to maintain eligibility. If a representative from the participating team is not present at a required event, they will be automatically disqualified unless an event organizer has acknowledged an exception in advance.
Participants must engage in weekly workshops and scheduled coaching sessions.They are responsible for implementing feedback and tracking progress on their designated milestones.
At the start of the program, participants must define the key milestones they aim to achieve. These milestones will serve as benchmarks for progress and will be reviewed throughout the program to ensure alignment with their business growth objectives. All participants are required to complete a needs assessment check-in at designated intervals. These check-ins will be used to evaluate progress, address challenges, and ensure participants are receiving the necessary support to achieve their goals.
Post- Nobellum’s Accelerator Programming
Upon completion of the program, all participants must demonstrate measurable progress in order to be recognized as program graduates.
Participants in the idea-stage category must develop a working minimum viable product (MVP) by the conclusion of the program. Growth-stage participants must meet the milestones they outlined at the start of the program and maintain active participation throughout.
Successful graduates gain access to exclusive resources and funding opportunities through pitch competitions and other initiatives.
Graduates are encouraged to remain engaged in the Nobellum community by contributing to peer mentorship opportunities, sharing updates on their business growth, and continuing to leverage the resources available through the accelerator network.
Any modifications to the program will be communicated via
For additional details, participants should refer to the official Nobellum website at