Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If your business falls under any of the following stages of development, it qualifies as an early-stage startup as per Nobellum’s standards:
Idea stage
Founder can explain an initial concept of the idea, with little researched and written down.
Business plan in development
Major elements of the plan (Product Concept, Marketing Plan, Financial Plan) have been developed and written down in either a business plan or pitch document. Limited validation (such as via secondary or primary market research) of the concept is on display.
Completed initial business plan and product prototype
A thorough (if not fully validated) business plan has been written, along with some form of prototyping – which could take the form of:
A drawing with descriptions
Physical mock-ups using cardboard, foam core or similar
A service, a process and service delivery map
A software product, a wireframe or series of screen prototypes showing possible features and navigation
Early Market (some proof of concept, initial product)
Initial product (often called Minimum Viable Product, or MVP) has been introduced into the marketing and has generated sales. Initial market feedback is being generated
Early Growth (product-market fit, consistent revenue)
Sales have continued to grow, showing product-market fit. The firm’s growth is not likely limited by a poor product fit but more often by limited human and financial resources
1. At least one founder who identifies as Black
2. Lead applicant must identify as Black and holds a significant equity stake in the company
3. Business model must utilize Science, Technology, Engineering or Math
4. Company must identify as an Early-Stage startup
The program focuses on various sectors and industries within the STEM field, including but not limited to technology, biotechnology, healthcare, engineering, environmental sciences, and more. It welcomes founders from diverse STEM backgrounds and sectors.
Participants in the Nobellum Innovator Program benefit from a range of resources and support. This includes access to training programs, workshops, and educational sessions tailored to the needs of Black entrepreneurs. The program offers mentorship and guidance from experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts. Participants also have the opportunity to access funding and investment opportunities through pitch events and networking connections.
The program is open to both domestic and international applicants. While the program does not have specific regional limitations, participants should be able to engage with the program's activities and resources, which are primarily delivered in English.
The pitch will take place in-person. However international applicants will submit their pitch videos virtually for the competition
Participation in the Nobellum Innovator Program is free of charge. There are no direct costs or fees associated with participating in the program. The program aims to provide opportunities and support to Black entrepreneurs without financial barriers.
The program offers support to participants in accessing funding and investment opportunities. This can include connecting participants with potential investors, venture capitalists, and funding organizations. The program also provides guidance on pitching, preparing investment materials, and navigating the funding landscape.
Participants in the program receive mentorship and advisory support from experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts. The mentor matching process involves carefully pairing participants with mentors who have relevant expertise and experience in their respective fields. This mentorship provides guidance, advice, and support to participants throughout their entrepreneurial journey, helping them navigate challenges and make informed decisions.